Orange-Soaked California Raisins
1650 g California Natural Raisins
1000 ml orange juice
100 g orange zest
Soak California Risins in orange juice and zest overnight
2062 g wheat flour
600 g whole wheat flour
88 g chia seeds
55 g salt
42 g yeast
880 ml water
- Place dough ingredients and orange-soaked California Raisins into a mixer and mix at low speed for 5 minutes. Increase to high speed and mix for another 5 minutes. The dough temperature should be at 28°C
- Once the dough is fully developed, place in a container and cover with plastic. Let it rest for 20 minutes
- Divide the dough into 600g pieces and very gently mould the dough pieces into a round shape. Let them rest for 10 minutes.
- Take each piece of dough and mould into an oblong shape and proof for 45 to 50 minutes.
- The dough pieces should be fully proofed.
- Place in a preheated oven set at 230°C with steam. After 5 minutes of baking, open the oven vent to release the steam and close the vent immediately.
- At the 20 minute mark, lower the heat to 200°C and bake for another 5 to 1o minutes.
Original recipe by Chef Sam Lee, Founder & Owner Deluscious